UMF - Trust, Truth, Quality

UMF is a Trusted Mark of Quality - A Guarantee of Authenticity & Purity

  • UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor
  • UMF identifies natural unadulterated manuka honey produced in New Zealand
  • UMF is the only manuka honey rating system that is licensed and audited to verify the honey is true-to-label
  • UMF is a revered mark of quality protecting your rights as a consumer

Order Genuine High Grade UMF Manuka Honey from SummerGlow Apiaries Ltd - UMF Licence Number 1001 - Here

The UMF Rating System - Identifies & Measures Genuine Manuka Honey

  • The UMF rating system independently certifies natural components found in Manuka Honey to assure potency, purity, authenticity and freshness.  Please see
  • UMF is the only rating system that measures the Unique Manuka signature markers in combination
  • The three key unique signature markers of manuka honey - Leptosperin, Methyglyoxal and DHA - must all be present in the honey
  • The UMF rating number is based on the combined levels of these key signature markers
  • The higher the UMF rating the greater the presence of the unique manuka honey attributes
  •  Low Grade:  UMF5 to UMF9 
  •  Medium Grade:  UMF10 to UMF15
  •  Superior High Grade:  UMF16 to UMF25

Checklist to Identify Genuine UMF Manuka Honey:

  1. It has the quality mark UMF clearly stated on the front label
  2. It is packed into jars and labelled in New Zealand
  3. It has the UMF Licensee's brand name and Licence Number stated on the label
  4. It has a rating number alongside the quality mark UMF
  5. It is verified by the Official UMF Certificate which states the test results for the batch number shown on the jar label.  The Official UMF Certificate presents all four tests (Leptosperin + Methylglyoxal + DHA + HMF

Leptosperin identifies genuine Manuka Honey

  • Manuka Honey is made up of several compounds that are found only in the honey produced from New Zealand's native manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium (more)
  • One of the most dominant compounds is Leptosperin
  • Leptosperin is a good indicator of the "manukaness" of honey
  • The higher the level of Leptosperin the greater the presence of the Unique Manuka honey attributes
  • Leptosperin gives consumers a means of knowing which honey is genuine Manuka Honey

Testing for Authenticity - The UMF Guarantee

  • Produced, Packed and Labelled in New Zealand.  All honey labelled with the quality trademark UMF must be produced, packed and labelled in New Zealand.   Honey cannot be imported into New Zealand so the consumer is assured UMF Manuka Honey is truely and solely New Zealand honey.
  • Tested.  After the honey has been packed UMF Manuka Honey must undergo a number of tests to show it is natural, unadulterated Manuka Honey and that the rating claim on the label is true.
  • Audited.  UMF Manuka Honey is regularly audited so the consumer can be confident the honey is a true-to-label claim.
  • Proof of Authenticity - The Official UMF Certificate is issued to UMF-labelled honey that passes all test criteria and is true-to-label claim.   Consumers should request this document (Colour and layout should look exactly like the UMF Certificate below).
  • Here is the Official UMF Certificate verifying the authenticity of SummerGlow UMF22+ Manuka Honey. 250gm jar, batch 221:


The Official UMF Release Certificate Shows:

1.The honey is genuine Manuka Honey

  • Manuka honey is made up of several compounds that are found only in the honey from New Zealand's manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium)
  • One of the most dominant compounds is Leptosperin
  • The higher the level of Leptosperin the greater the presence of the unique manuka honey attributes
  • SummerGlow Manuka Honey UMF22+ and UMF16+ has Leptosperin levels 853mg/kg, 963mg/kg and 349mg/kg and thoroughly exceeds the NZ MPI criteria for monofloral manuka honey showing it really is high grade monofloral manuka.   All our honey is produced by our bees from manuka areas which we own and in which we have had hives for the past 46 years.

2. The honey is not adulterated:

  • HMF increases when honey is heated
  • UMF Manuka Honey must have HMF below HMF40mg/kg
  • SummerGlow Manuka Honey UMF22+ and UMF16+ has low HMF levels HMF17-28mg/kg showing we do not damage our honey with heat or adulteration

3. Measures the UMF rating levels:

  • Manuka Honey is tested for DHA and for methyglyoxal (MGO) as these are present in Manuka Honey and help assess the grading level of the honey
  • The combined results of all four tests (Leptosperin test + Methylglyoxal test + DHA test + HMF test) show the quality and grading level for the honey
  • SummerGlow Manuka Honey UMF16+ and UMF22+ far exceeds all quality and grading requirements

SummerGlow Manuka Honey UMF22+ and UMF16+ is genuine, natural unadulterated monofloral Manuka Honey

1. SummerGlow UMF22+ Manuka Honey.  250gm jar  Batch 221 Click here to view the product and the Official UMF Test Certificate (March 2022)

  • Leptosperin 853mg/kg
  • Methylglyoxal 1040mg/kg
  • DHA 1010mg/kg
  • HMF 17mg/kg
  • UMF grading 22.9

2. SummerGlow UMF16+ Manuka Honey.  500gm jar.  Batch 755  Click here to view the product and the Official UMF Test Certificate (September 2022)

  • Leptosperin 349mg/kg
  • Methylglyoxal 680mg/kg
  • DHA 1150mg/kg
  • HMF 28mg/kg
  • UMF grading 17.8

3. SummerGlow UMF16+ Manuka Honey.  250gm jar.  Batch 726 Click here to view the product and the Official UMF Test Certificate (March 2022)

  • Leptosperin 689mg/kg
  • Methylglyoxal 612mg/kg
  • DHA 1300mg/kg
  • HMF 27mg/kg
  • UMF grading 16.6

Manuka Honey - Nature's Wonderfood

For thousands of years honey has been recognised as having beneficial health-supporting qualities due largely to an enzyme activity.

It has also been recognised that certain honeys from specific plants are more effective than others, and the honey that comes from some strains of the New Zealand Manuka bush (Leptospermum Scoparium) is one of these.

 The New Zealand Honey Discovery

In 1981 research at the Honey Research Unit at New Zealand's University of Waikato discovered that some strains of manuka honey have an extraordinary, naturally present, very stable property not found in any other variety of honey.

This special property is over and above the usual properties of honey.  It comes from the nectar of the manuka flower  and is quite distinct from the enzyme activity that is common to most honeys.

This special property sets Manuka Honey apart as one of nature's true wonderfoods.

But this special property is not in all manuka honey.

Helping Consumers Identify Manuka Honey that has the Special Property

Until recently consumers had no way of knowing the level of quality or authenticity of the Manuka Honey they were buying. Depending on the season and source, honeys can vary in grade and strength. So it has been important to establish a trusted quality standard.

The UMF Honey Association has achieved this by introducing the UMF quality trademark and rating system.

The official UMF logo helps consumers identify genuine UMF Manuka Honey


Testing for Authenticity - Protecting Your Rights as a Consumer

To determine if the special property is present in manuka honey each batch must be tested (after packing) in specifically approved laboratories using stringent criteria laid down by the UMF Honey Association.

The UMF Honey Association testing utilises a range of internationally recognised biological and chemical methods in approved laboratories both in New Zealand and internationally.

As part of the testing process every batch of honey must also go through a series of additional checks and supporting programmes to ensure the ultimate in authenticity, quality and safety.

All UMF licence holders are independently audited to meet stringent standards in terms of production, manufacturing, sampling and handling.

The UMF designation and rating is a highly sought-after and well-respected quality trademark.

SummerGlow Manuka Honey UMF22+ and UMF16+ is totally natural unadulterated manuka honey and complies with all the rigorous standards of quality and purity set by the UMF Honey Honey Association.  It powerfully supports the body's natural health.

Quality Control - Natural, Unadulterated, True-to-Label, 100% New Zealand Made

The UMF standard is not just a rating of the honey.  It includes a range of other tests, audits and rigorous controls to ensure the honey is natural unadulterated manuka honey. 

UMF Manuka Honey from a New Zealand company licensed to use the trademark UMF is audited and monitored to ensure it is natural unadulterated and true-to-label.   Perfectly safe to eat

You know what you are getting if you get UMF Manuka Honey from a New Zealand company licensed to use the trademark UMF.

Look for the name UMF clearly stated on the front label of the jar

UMF Licensees

The name UMF and "Unique Manuka Factor" are quality trademarks owned by the UMF Honey Association and can be used only by licensed users who must meet set criteria.

SummerGlow Apiaries Ltd was the first company to be registered as a licensee - Licence number 1001.


UMF Guarantee

The name UMF is a guarantee that the honey is natural unadulterated manuka honey, produced in New Zealand and has the special manuka property to at least the level indicated on the label. 

The name UMF applies only to honey packed and labelled in New Zealand and tested after each batch is packed. 

The name UMF does not apply to honey in drums, etc still to be packed, nor to honey not packed or labelled in New Zealand.


International Verification Laboratories

The UMF Honey Association is establishing verification laboratories in several countries around the world where consumers and buyers are able to have honey tested and know the quality of the product they are purchasing.

Under this International Inter-Lab Programme these laboratories all use the same tests and quality control programmes to produce consistent results.

SummerGlow Apiaries - Licence Number 1001 - specialise in very high grade UMF Manuka Honey:

  • Guaranteed superior UMF22+ and UMF16+.
  • 100% pure natural unadulterated honey sourced from the remote unspoilt areas of NZ.
  • Packed with greatest care to a very high standard ensuring all the natural properties are retained. Top quality handling.
  • Happy users all around the world. Happy users say.
  • Mail order to thousands of people worldwide.  Click here to order.

Why is UMF In Only Some Manuka Honey?

Bees gather manuka honey from the nectar of the flowers of the manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium) which is a native plant of New Zealand.

The manuka bush grows wild on undeveloped, unspoilt and regenerating land, and is commonly found throughout the country. 

Manuka honey with the special property is gathered from the manuka flowers in only a few places in New Zealand.

It is also evident that some areas of manuka bushes do not produce honey with the special property every year, and the concentrations of the manuka property can vary from batch to batch and year to year.

For this reason samples of every batch of UMF Manuka Honey are tested before and after the honey has been packed into jars. 

The special property comes from the nectar of the flower; whereas the enzyme activity common to most honey is due to an enzyme added to the honey by the bee.

The reason why only some manuka honey has the unique property is not yet known.   It could be from a sub-species of manuka or due to some environmental factor such as soil type. The researchers are currently looking into this question. 



A Trusted Mark of Quality - A Guarantee of Authenticity & Purity

UMF stands for "Unique Manuka Factor" and is the only manuka honey grading system that is licensed and audited to verify the honey is true-to-label.

Shop of UMF Honey Here